Richard and Nathan Podcast Transcript

Richard and Nathan Podcast Transcript

Richard and Nathan Podcast Transcript

hey guys it's Richie welcome to the Rich Mix Nate Date Dog ha ha thanks for coming up
love my friend definitely should've done a rap
yeah yeah
I know I should've done a rap
next time better think of something
you know thanks for having me mate
happy to be here yeah
no worries so we were talking earlier about business
um so tell us about
cause obviously you do SMP
um do you wanna talk to people about what SMP is
sure I'd love to yeah um yes so basically SMP is stands for
and before I start I think SMP is a terrible name for it
um it's called it stands for scalp micropigmentation
the scalp because applied to the scalp micro because it's the micro impressions
that's tiny in a pigmentation cause we use pigment not e yeah
but I I don't know what the name should be I'm open to suggestions I even a hair tattoo
yes um I think sometimes people get scared when you use the word tattoo um
but yeah I've been full time with SMP for jeez uh
two and a half years now yeah wow that's gone fast
I've been doing it for four and a half years
I know it sounds like something other ASX
you know like stock market exchange
whoa oh yeah
I bought some of these
I hope that if anyone wants to invest
yeah I bought some of those SMP stocks
you know I put my Google in account number um
underneath the that episode I'm tagging you all
all investors yeah yeah
well awesome and how and oh
it is we're in a funny time at the moment
so as we talked about the personal service industry is
is slowed down a fair bit
so what do you do now
what do you do to hustle for funds
so what happened to god
just to expand on that is when it comes to personal uh
appearance it's sort of like
it's similar to personal training
or as you go across
anything that's aesthetically being improved
that's the first thing that gets dropped
and I felt this a couple of times
so I have a bit of a process um
that I go into but what I'll say is this
is that every single time that the market drops
and the tap turns off it feels exactly the same
I have the exact same freak out
I have the exact same impulse to fix that
problem straight away
and that could be anything from quitting
to jumping across to another career to um
me myself I've had plenty of um
I've done a lot of trade work in the past
and trade work seems to be something that
never truly dries up um
so I my first impulse is always
jumping across into a new industry and and
and making money because it's it's hard to turn to um
money to do something that you enjoy
which is basically what
the choice that I've had to make by moving across
the SMP so probably the fourth thing I'd say is
is taking a fucking deep breath yeah
just in just sitting back
and trying to control the controllables
and what that is is me doing the work yeah
so having a look at what am I missing what's
you know
maybe it's an extra couple hours each day maybe it's
you know calling that wired back
a third time maybe stuck in base with somebody
my first one of
calls to take a deep breath and realise what it is
second is who prepared for earlier
so it might be easier times
I try and put money away all the quieter times
and the third thing that I do is that I go back
through all of my clients
anyone who's ever inquired and I just touch base
it'd be simple as like hey
how you going like how's it going
I know that you
I know that you inquired about SMP back in 2,001
is it something that you're looking at
how's your hair loss journey going
and what I try and do there is not try and sell
to close them
is they try and provide information for free yeah
so that in the forefront of their mind
so of course
I've been in the hair loss industry for so long
I know everything there is to know about transplants
and I'm constantly learning everything there is to
need to know about hair loss
wigs and treatment that's out there
I I'm thoroughly studying
so that when I make that phone call is
if they're looking for a transplant
I don't just jump off the phone
because a lot of the time that turns into a league
so that's a long answer but it's
it's making the most out of every single opportunity
and not being too big to to uh
lower my prices
or just figure out what it is holding about
it could be finances
it could be um best seen about treatment
it could be they're worried about the factor of me
so they might need to sit down
and have a conversation with me
to see that I'm a real person
yeah um
hold on
freaking block lines oh okay yeah
that's hardcore you know yeah
when I was 14 I I finished up probably 22 twenty three
I went back briefly uh
cause I had a dip in one business
went back
reclaimed for a couple months and then got back out
yeah it's hard yeah
come on
yeah I'd say that
that and roof
tiling would be the two hardest
physical traits that you can yeah
yeah yeah
hundred percent roof tiling is crazy
I don't got a good
good friend that does roof tiling and yeah
for doing it for years
and finding really hard to get out of it
you know cause so hard
oh buddy
demanding the rear roofs and stuff like that
I used to have a roof paint
yeah, bloody hell yeah
so is there's lot of opportunity lot of things to do
and um
there is a side hustle that you are doing at the moment
want to tell us about your stand up
I saw sitting at god
I've had the podcast for two years now
I think and I was just sitting there one day and you
you probably see this evolve rich
is that when you phone your phone now
like your
your attention span is shorter than it's ever been
right yeah
and when you turn on the TV
I haven't turned on TV in a long time
but even on the TV
it's very short clips of news and the world
and when I would listen to podcast
what I really loved about it
the thing that I fell in love with
is that it's a long form conversation
hmm and it
you're able to go into depth into topics
because I think so much of the knee joke
reaction in the world is snippets
that might piss somebody off
and then then they carry that into their day
and so many times
I don't know if you found this as well
but when you watch a podcast
and you might have a preconceived idea of somebody
then when one you hear him talk for an hour
they're either going to be 100% a cockhead
or you're odd I was wrong about this person yeah
or yeah you're relatable to them
you know some relatable yeah
and and it's um
it's something that's and even in the world
when you sit down and have a conversation with friends
like how often do we have in our conversation
without our phones hmm
like for me it's a opportunity to have a long
in depth conversation with somebody
that I find interesting we don't have our phones
we don't have anything distracting us
and we can actually talk about subjects
in a lot of that yeah
it got me intrigued and then I decided to do it
and what's hilarious about when I started
is that I bought a microphone
like I bought all the cords and stuff like that
I never set it up before and I landed like
the biggest podcast guest that I could ever land
on my first episode oh my god
who was that uh
his name's Tony Abniato
so he's probably the biggest superstar and also a very
very close friend of mine now yeah
in the world less than peace
so like he's like the no he's like the Justin Bieber
he's like the Slim Shady no
this he's like the Slim Shady of the SMP of the SMP
it's all about pouring the world on stage
big present it just so happened
luckily on the day after a maths class um
he's in an apartment in Byron Bay and I didn't even
I didn't I never even recorded the whole
the whole interview
his microphone's off and mine's on so that's like
is that a whacket you can hear a garbage truck
picking up the dude in the background
um but yeah anyway
that was uh
the and and after I did it I just I was like
this is the fit for me and um
and I've loved the process to me and to
and I'm really happy on
about the one side thing that I'm doing
but I love the process of learning like how to
in a better how to
you know
extract information out of people better and like I I
I wouldn't
I'd even go even further and say
I'd love to interview or stop if
I don't know where that goes to yeah
on on a may final yeah
and I don't know I don't know where that can lead next
but yeah
I really I really love the the whole process of that
yeah yeah
nah it's awesome
and one of the things you're right
because when you watch TV or any other thing
you see that's live everything is scripted
every single thing is an act
we all put on a show on a podcast
he's gonna be yourself
you're always yourself talking you you you
you there's no telling you what to say or no prompters
it's just you talking shit
you know what I mean and sometimes
and sometimes that uh
what I've done is sometimes that is in
uh I wouldn't say a bad thing
but it's been a eye opening thing for someone who
I thought is so inspirational
and motivational and then
once I get them 30 minutes deep into a conversation I
and I start to dive a little bit deeper
you realize it's a facade yeah
yeah yeah
and and I think
and I think that's important too
because we Instagram's bullshit yeah
yeah it is man
I see it all the time
I've seen people in the background
you see him on stage or you see him
and then you see him in in normal life
as they say yeah
they just like you and me
they just it's
you all just gotta they put on this
they put on a certain hat or
and you know
and they're they're acting
they have to put this persona on um
you know that persona for
for the online you know
um self it's
it's it's crazy
I mean and
and the other thing too
is what I've liked throughout that
going through this little journey of podcasting it
and other things is
is how I've navigated myself to
because I've had opportunities to have people on
with a big following yeah
but I know them personally
and that they're actually full of shit and everything
their life is the polar opposite and
and I thought no like it trust me
like that would have boosted my podcast a lot
like I I could use it yeah
but I like the I like I wanna keep it authentic
I wanna keep it who I wanna talk to and I and yeah
it's something that I do hold pretty dearly to me
is that yeah
that's awesome yeah
that's the thing I think even people I've had on
they've been like a wider circle of friends
or people that I just know
they're just normal and and as you get older
you're I think your circles obviously get smaller
but it's smaller but quality
you know what I mean like really
and the people I've got around mE
so many friends that I've had in the previous podcast
really inspire me what they've done like
and and that's what I really love because for me
it's about learning from other people and
and then other people that are watching it
get them inspired by them as well
you know
so then the world is something amazing in the light in
in the world
while we all can make a massive difference
you know that's what I feel for sure
and can I ask this is it
do you think that
you wouldn't have that conversation in person
with those people
or do you think the podcast brought it out yeah
I think the the podcast brings it out hundred percent
I think it brings it out of them
I know about it
but what I wanted to do is share with everyone else
that they're very quiet and humble about
you know so they know about it they've done it
but no one else knows about it
so this way it kind of gets them out there
you know
because you probably um
I don't know if you had any feedback
but you
I was so surprised at how many people listens and
and actually would taste stuff on board that um
because you don't actually know if anyone does
or doesn't no
you don't know I've been approached to you know
bars or like out out the beach and stuff with them
people like oh
I loved and they'll quote something back to me
and I can't I can't even remember
sometimes that part of the conversation
but um even one guy had a notes list of like
all the quotes of the
the different things that he would
took out of the episode yeah
awesome oh my God
I wish
so if I can get one bit of information out to somebody
I could start yeah
yeah that's fantastic man anyways
even when you're actually in that process
like we're in the zone now talking
things pop up that you never think about
because someone else bought it out of you
you know that topic do you know what I mean
and I think that's really cool you know
so yeah so go back to the side hustles
what are the things that you got the podcast
what else you doing
the exciting answer is is comedy
but what's funny is is um
so comedy is one of my hobbies slash side hustles
at the moment
I've been doing it now for about six months
yeah um
but something two weeks ago I started playing golf yeah
yeah so like I never thought I'd like golf
but what I the reason I say that is that
when I tell somebody that I do comedy
or that I'm a comedian the dock is in it's
you know it's um
I said this in a podcast two episodes ago
when I talk to a comedian is it almost brings up the
the dreams
it almost is like
the cemetery of the dreams of the other person
when you say something like comedy
cause it is something so scary
and doesn't mean that they want to be comedian
but what I what I'm getting at here is that
I've also started playing golf
but it's not a big reaction right yeah yeah
the very thing is is the comedy because um
in your head they're both the same thing
it's just a hobby you're trying something different
but the comedy like when you said comedy and I
when I saw your post
it's like I told my wife Rachel
I said man
I wanted to do one of my
in my bucket list was to do a stand up gig somewhere
but I keep on forgetting shit
I come up with some really cool stuff
and I forget to write it down
like shit what was that
I just talked about it you know
um and yes
I just forget shit that's what I'm like
I freak out about it so when you said you done it
I think it's awesome because
I think that would be one of the scariest things like
you know I've got in front of people
and talked about random stuff
and a lot of people
but when it comes to actually playing with their senses
and you know
poking them aside for a laugh
you know with what you come
once comes out of you it's tricky
you know what I mean um
but I tell you what when I am trying to pot and I'm
and I'm on my third or fourth pot
and I'm trying to get that ball in the hole
it's um
it's frustrating and it's really hard
yeah there's no deal
but there's no difference mate
I've done jiu jitsu boxing
um I've done plenty of different
I played Rugby league AFL
like there's so many different things that I've done
throughout my life there's no difference with comedy
the difference is that
the initial fear is just so much more
yeah um
and the reason that that is
is because of judgement of other people hmm
that's that thing that you feel is that
is that if you go and play golf
you you're not getting judged by uh
a room full of people that's the scary part of yeah
you just get judged by the guys that are behind you
waiting to go next
definitely thought that
you would definitely get some comics judging
but what the scariest part of doing comedy
is how everybody reacts to you doing yeah yeah no
I think it's awesome good on you man uh
I'll tell you what I love about golf but you know
I haven't played for a long time
is I remember used to go in the mornings
and so
and he was like kinda love that smell of that freshly
you know cut grass
it's the best they just like the grass smell people go
what are you talking about you weirdo mate
it's awesome
first thing in the morning it smell like grass
you walk around and some golf courses
very kangaroos running around
it's it's super cool very relaxing yeah
it was always there's always there's always scenic
right like the I've only played for the last two weeks
but the and what I like about golf is
is this
and called this is so relatable across everything
is that
how I play on those nine holes
is completely depicted of my mindset
in that morning my
I was more stressed about finances
on Wednesday morning
and some other personal things and I pay horribly
the week before I had a
a lot of clarity in a kind of fantastic night yeah
and it's and that's exactly the same as writing jokes
I I I can't
the best
advice I would give to someone writing jokes is
getting yourself in the
state of minds are actually bright
so when you say you're you're forgetting things and
and it's something that you put on the background
it's about creating mental space somewhere
for that comedy and it's a lot of mental space
because there's a lot of um
it's almost like comedy is almost 24 hours a day yeah
24 yeah
it is every hour because you could you constantly
you constantly looking so funny
always even right now if I think something funny
I'll stop and I'll write it down yeah
yeah yeah
because that could be in six months time
my best joke that's like me with weight loss secrets
I'm like ooh that's a good one
I'm gonna write that down
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha there is no secret mate
I know it's no secret wait
I'll tell you
there someone that's probably watching this
I've just uh
hooked up with a program with my mate Luke Cook
and he's an Adelaide he's like a NLSP hypnosis
but he's a fitness coach you know
and um I'm on a program with him
probably the slackest person on his group
you know what I mean
that's like counting my cap like measuring shit weight
you know all this kind of stuff
oh my God it's so hard
it's so hard you do it
you're good at it you you make your meals up
yeah what I'll say is that
sometimes as well with
when it comes to health and fitness
is that it might not be the diet
and it might not be the training
it might be just uh overall health
hmm as so things like um
you know testosterone vitamin B12 iron um
your growth hormone that's that's in your body as well
all these things you can go and get a blood test
like when I sit down and have an SMP Fi in mate
you get a lot of bangs feedback because I
I'm I'm your therapist
I'm a I'm a qualified personal trainer
I've I've done advanced nutritional science
I I know all the ins and outs of um
look at what I'm drinking
this Pepsi Max no calories
and I I've been through like uh
I've gone to
I've been in hospital and very sick and very ill
and to
being able to not train to the point where doctors and
you cannot go through physical activity
to turning around and being fit as a
as I am today um
but a lot of it diet yes training yes
but alright
anyone listening to this go get your blood work done go
I'm actually booked in on Monday
I'm getting a recheck because I've got
I put on those glucose monitors on my arm
yeah and I've had that for the last month
and it's been really good
because I can see what foods spiking
my glucose levels and all this kind of stuff and
and it spikes but it comes back down really quickly
you know but certain foods are like way
really high
so they've decided to stay off them for a while
you know now
so when you say you're going to get a blood test
you're going to a general practitioner
yeah at the moment
and then this is my brother's
my air caution that is that
understand this like I don't I
I have a bad view on general practitioning
but there is some good ones
but this is the problem with
seeing a general practitioner for stuff like that
is that
if there's something deficient in your blood work
they're not gonna show it to you
and the reason why they're not gonna show it to you
cause they don't have something to supplement for that
yeah so
allow them more and more with iron and stuff like that
but their markers are so
some of them are so out of Mark
that you should go there
rich and be completely deficient in testosterone
and they're not going to tell you that
they're gonna tell you
and if you are deficient in testosterone
and a lot of people don't like to have
this conversation is that mate
you could train as much as you want
it's going to be completely irrelevant
hmm yeah
I never I know exactly well
this doctor
I'm gonna go mainly see about my cholesterol
cause it's been like three months
you know six months and um
I'm just checking my basic stuff but yeah
my brother is actually seeing it not a
it's like a doctor but specialises in a little bit more
you know um
like what you're talking about
checks the blood work for testosterone
all that kind of stuff so I'll be um
I'll be doing that with that doctor as well
you know so if you don't wanna go to the doctor
a great website is called eye spray yeah
into your own custom blood test yeah
they'll send you like a kit used to
is it based here in Australia or the US
well you have to go to QML
so you go to the normal blood test
oh okay yeah
yeah and basically they
but they they email you the results straight away
that's not cool if you TP does give you results yeah
those results straight back
yeah yeah
something to think about cause as you get older man
shit starts falling apart
I'm telling you now and everything slows down
younger and older yeah
but there's no reason why people can't be like
fighting fit
like my dad is 64 years old and my mum is oh god
I'm got this wrong your mum's 64 and dad's 62
they're in the hole right now
doing their third hike of Mount Everest yeah
how cool is that that's awesome
my dad runs absolute rings around me
he's absolutely shredded pains more than I do um
but but they look after themselves
they look after their body and and um yeah
I think they'll be able to keep it up for another 10
20 years yeah
no that's it well
I wanna start doing that myself
trying to get my food right and um
lose a bit of weight and just doin a bit more
just moving more I'm doing doing that now moving more
yeah moving
just moving just moving sometimes
I think the stereotypical thing
think is that you gotta go out and train really hard
but it's not the way when I personally train people
it's more about movement overall movement yeah
if you go for a walk in the morning
walk in the afternoon
that's gonna be better than a gym session anyway
oh 100% yeah yeah
you wanna put that proper on your joints early
you don't wanna be feed yourself up early
and the pressure is drinking how much bloody water okay
you're supposed to drink like where you at
uh nearly two and a half of these a day
I'm like oh my god
he's like we're trainers like rich
you need three and a half liters a day
also I feel like I'm drowning
it's like some type of torture
you know people who trying to do these trainers
subside the hunger babies water yeah
but then I'm eating a lot as well
let me oh my God
eating so much food Benny
oh that's me
yeah eating a lot of protein
you'll feel like you're eating more
before you're eating less
yeah yeah
oh man
I feel like I've spent half the time preparing foods
now so what are you doing
I'm preparing food today what
you doing
nearly four years yeah
no that's good
yeah alright
let me stick with a couple of Pepsi Max's uh
once a day um
one a day um
I'm sweet you know
you gotta have a Pepsi Max everyday is
is that they um
well it's good for the
good for the soul
and we're not getting paid by Pepsi Max
just put it out there as well
just let everyone know I
would mind you can pay us
I don't care yeah
yeah couple of cases
uh no awesome
so um
what's the what's the plans next
what other things that you've got in the horizon
are you thinking about
in my week my
my week is pretty well going to stay the same
and just progress overall
and everything like at the moment
like for comedy the
when you start
the first amount of time on stage is 5 minutes
so I've been perfecting 5 minutes for
uh I think I've done seven open mics
so I'm gonna be perfecting that five minutes
until I turn that into uh
10 minutes and then once you've got 10 minutes
that's when you can sort of create a show around that
because yeah
I'll headline something
and get people in with five minutes worth of jokes yeah
everyone is compiling with their drinks in their
in their dinner
and then five minutes and then they all go home
yeah yeah yeah
where's David gone he's already finished
so my plan is to build that up to 10 minutes yeah
um I'm having a look at maybe opening up my own
open mic bar for comedy here on the Gold Coast yeah
or but the goal will be
I'd say
it's probably gonna take me another three to four
months to have that 10 minutes
then when I have 10 minutes
I'll advertise and I'll have a room
organise a bunch of comics
organise the night everybody comes down
bring family
how's the laugh and um yeah
and then I'll be selling tickets to that and then
then you just keep building those fights
brother forever that's it
that's awesome and look
you know what comedy is good for the soul
they always say laughter is so important
oh God you know
for your life um
daily you need to laugh you know
it's contagious when someone else is laughing
what do you do you can't stop laughing
I laugh you know
to me it's magic mate
it's magic
you can change someone's physical makeup within uh
in a split second hundred percent
it just changes you yeah
you have a crowd full of people
who are having the worst day
and I and I haven't a direct order in saying some
making noises out of my mouth
that will make all of them pissed and stop laughing
that's it
yeah it's super cool
I love it if I'm feeling a little bit out of whack
I will listen to a podcast with a couple of comedians
or I'll watch a stand up you know
man I love spell
you know I love spell
you know I think it's funny
yes and he's a heartbroken uh yeah
well he's he's
he's one of the best mate
he's so good and I just love his old stuff
I love Richard Pryor you know
all the old old school stand up with him it's
it's quite x rated and that's
you know um
lot of it you don't see it marketed anymore
because it's pretty hardcore
but it's just funny these guys would just
just naturally
just stuff would just come out of their mouth
you know it was just always funny
and even the old original Eddie Murphy stuff
you know like delirious
it's like out of this world crazy
you know
that's when I think of Dave Chappelle and I think
you know relate to him to that kind of stuff
with it old Eddie Murphy you know
from back in the day
you know compared
I'll just I'll give you this little bit of
so when you watch for example
like you might have watched that say Netflix
and he had three specials
I think they came out over about four years
yeah and he's one of the
he's a freak of nature comedy yeah
he can put together an hour set over about
I think
I think maybe a two year period
there's only human Kevin Hart that can really do that
yeah so when you're watching that hour
all those jokes have been told nearly 100 times
if not 200 yeah
and then hold that hour
takes a normal comedian about 5 years to create
whereas you look
the reason why they should tell Kevin Hart
Eddie Murphy Richard Carroll
goat is cause they can do that in 2 years
they can put together an hour special in 2 years
which is absolutely insanity
oh like amazing
for example you are listening on
on your phone and that the whole crowd laughs
cause I just what I do sometimes
I'll put on like the reels of just pop up on TikTok
so I'm driving I just listen to
you know even like I saw Dave Chappelle in Sydney
and yeah it was blown away and really different
I did see Seinfeld many years ago
and that was cool but that was very different
and um
as well but that was really funny
like it was like perfect from start to finish
and you're right so many years of like
he's got a book of jokes that just
it's built in his brain
because he's done it so many thousands of times
you know yeah
he would have done that exact set probably 200 times
yeah and it's so quick
he's so quick you know
when there's a guy that's
you know you got a heckler or is know that mate
you know how good a comic is
when they can relate to a heckler
they know that you know
yeah no
that's weird um
not all comics do the back and forth with the uh
with the crowd me
I'm a whore I'm
I've had I've been heckled on this couple times
but I'm I'm
I'm very very keen to engage with people um
if they wanna if they have something to say
yeah yeah
that's awesome oh god
this freak me even just thought of it
this is freaking me out you know
one day we'll see what happens
oh mate
I think you definitely do it
it's it's um
like you're a
you're obviously a hard working businessman guy
to write your business for you
what it is is it's putting that same uh
supplement that you have in that across to comedy
and you think that it's two different things
but it's not anybody can be comedian
it's just I tell you what it is
it's 20 minutes of your day
five days a week for the next six months yeah
and then you know what it is
it's for me it's the stuff I don't remember it now
but stuff just growing up as a kid
you know being
you know Anglo Indian
and some shit that happened in our lives
was just comical you know
if you wanna know that shit
uh probably don't wanna know it
but I wanna tell him anyway
but it's uh
it's just really interesting stuff and just funny funny
you know
uh sometimes what's normal to us is like
hilarious to someone else
you know
well you don't know what um
you don't know what someone else is gonna laugh at
but what I what I'd say is we
I mean you definitely have to
you have to be sold on the joke first yeah
yeah yeah man
that's why I love the guys
the sushi mango the guys
the sushi mango uh
what's sushi mango sushi mango
have you heard those guys
great guy Greek
like you have Google them
they they listen to their podcasts
they're super funny super funny
yeah three guys from Melbourne
three good mates um
they're Greek and Italian and they just got the old
yeah yeah
they're really cool
I actually bumped into one of them at Melbourne Airport
took a selfie with a cardigan
good chat with him you know
and um
he was alright with that he was
he was pretty accepted yeah
yeah mate
he was funny ass yeah
so we were sitting on the plane actually together
and then um
we chewed the fat as we got off the plane
oh awesome
yeah so no really nice guy that is down to earth guys
but really good at their craft
but oh like mate
they're filling up massive
like the Rod Labour they
they had it filled up three times over
they did a couple massive shows in Sydney
um then they went overseas did uh
went all around the world
did some like a world tour as well
and mate people were just super engaging
cause they can relate to the Greek mums
Italian mums you know
it's just funny we all just
it's just bringing something that we already liked to
as kids but it's funny that we think it was so silly
but it's actually funny when you bring it out
and you talk about it you know
especially when you imitate someone's mum or dad
you know yeah
we got family stuff definitely
definitely and so um yeah
I love it man
I think comedy's funny it's awesome
yeah so how you finding podcasting
how many uh episodes do you want now
oh god
I think I've done only I haven't done that many
I think there's only I've done about 20
but I think there's a few that haven't been pushed out
and um
but yeah enjoy it
like I put initially
I put a pressure on myself to do one every week
you know and then I'm like
oh my God it's
it's actually
it is too much pressure on myself to do it
because people got other things to do
there's always something's got someone on
or they double booked or they're feeling crooked
or whatever it is you know
there's always something so I thought
you know what
I'm not gonna put too much pressure on myself
I thought if I do one one or two a month
I'll be happy with that you know um
that might help you out with this
with your thought process as um
what do you think it takes to be a top 10% of the world
podcast like top 10% successful
oh I think you gotta do at least 100
you got a 20 20 really
yeah 20 puts me in the top 10%
well mate
we're there mate
how many you know
how you gonna be you got heaps
I think this episode that I'm about to release is 20 or
19 yeah
what 19
yeah that's awesome
not quitting yeah
oh man I'm not
I always try everything people think I'm crazy
I'm good a serial entrepreneur
always give everything a go um
always love seeing people go hard and do well
you know it really drives me
and um
but yeah I think the podcast is cool
cause you get to and doing it like this
and not in a like studio environment
you know with your fake plant next year
and all that kind of stuff it's
it's actually you can talk to anyone in the world
doesn't matter you know what I mean
it's it's pretty cool
that's what I like about it
you know so
I'm gonna pick a few overseas guests
for the next couple
yep I'm not gonna be crazy time zones
cause I'm not gonna get up early for em
you know they're gonna get up early for me
the bastards you know um
so I'm gonna yeah
try to pick it a normal time
which would be cool but yeah
just get some interesting people
you know with interesting stories um yeah
they don't have to be you know
super popular or anything like that
I'm not really that fast I just wanna
just talk to someone that I can just get on with
you know
awesome mate
sounds like you're doing it just to simply do it
that's it just uh
and um
no I think it's good and
and you you got a range of people on yours yeah
you got a bit of a mix
yeah um
so MMA fighter uh
comedian psychologist
um business
uh SMP
real estate agent
just uh
and there's another a friend who's just
I just got a good mindset and overall life
but he's a young young kid
he's screwed on
um just yeah
it's just it honestly it
it comes to me as I'm um
I think I have my next suggest ahead of me
that I've plans or one more
I'm happy to get on mate
I just got to check with my assistant
and I could come on yours whenever you're ready
yeah let me go to your PA
yeah go to my PA
ha ha
wow that's awesome
so um
big plans now pretty much now till Christmas
you taking some time off going on holidays
what's going on no
no no holidays
um Christmas is a busy time for SMP
so there's a big rough right before Christmas
everybody wants it done right for the holidays
so for me
I just capitalize on that and work all the way up
and I work all the way up and then
hey Christmas time is everything's expensive
it was going away anyway
I normally I normally take my holidays outside of that
I'm I'm in the process of planning a holiday next year
yeah awesome overseas
yeah yeah
you know um
I think I'm thinking about Japan
probably the only place I haven't been
yeah Japan would be great
uh my brother goes every year and really yeah
he's like books uh
mobile pardon
no man he's got like four kids
they just go and they hire a house like Airbnb
like a massive house and so they can
you know buy food
and it's easy and it's convenient as their base
and from there they just go travel different places
you know
go on the bullet train for a night here and there
and but they've got their base
nice place to go visit even outside the snowboarding
so yeah yeah
no I think I would love to go
I wanna go but man
our kids are 3 years old and 5 years old
you know
I'll be on the plane and all I'll be thinking about is
is Charlie shit his pants
you know what I mean
that's what I'll be thinking about on the plane
so I need to wait till I get a bit older
because literally will be a shit fight
you know a literal shit fight yeah
literal shit fight yeah
something worse oh god
them having gastro on the plane for like eight hours
somewhere or it'll be disaster
you know disaster
you make me very happy that I'm single over here
with that no
no children yeah
because then let alone the plain toilets
it's hard enough just to turn around in a toilet
let alone change your nappy
how the hell you gonna change your nappy
oh I didn't even think of that
you know what I mean what were you doing
I got no idea I mean
thought I'm just like you're in determination
how do you do that without getting shit on yourself
I know well
especially when you're not good
how do you have that conversation with the person
turbulence mate I know you
have a chance to change your clothes with you
ha ha yeah
oh my god it's a disaster
especially the kids that never been on a plane
I don't know how my brother's done it
but he's done it um
with his kids he's got four of them
and my brother's eight years younger than me
you know and um
which is unbelievable I don't know how he's done it
it's unbelievable but we need to
we need to get him on here
we need to talk about this
I know cause I've seen people like I've seen once I was
I was going to Melbourne
there was like a lady there with three kids on
their really young kids I'm like
how does she do it you know
one strapped here you know
carrying all the bags they're running
and she's just so patient
I got you gotta be such a patient person you know
I'd love to stay on that patient
I don't think I am oh man
the kids are just uh
they're great you know
it's awesome you love them heaps
but they're pain in the booties mate and yesterday
Lola she's like
Charlie's got a whistle which is so annoying as it is
and Lola's like I wanna whistle
and I'm like alright
we'll see what I can do now I have to get her
ask her do a few things as a favour
as a treat I said
you know what tomorrow I'll buy you whistle she goes
can you give me a pink whistle
and I'm like alright
I'll try my best and then she pulls her hand out
she's like she's only 75 years old
you promised me shake on it I'm like
okay I promise you and you're closing the door oh
cause the deal I'm like
that was yesterday and I'm like shit
now I'm gonna get a bloody whistle you know
because if I didn't get it that's it
I don't have children oh my God it was a nightmare well
you know what I came back with
you're gonna love this I came back with two recorders
old school recorder ha ha ha
I remember that it's the best mate
my office is the backyard so um
Rachel had to deal with them
blowing these recorders for two hours
giving her a headache oh
that's terrible
but then one time I bought my mate some presents
I was like I'll get a Nerf gun and he goes brother
why the fuck you get my kids nerf guns
it's like it's their birthday well
you know that
I'm gonna go home with these kids
and they've all got nerf guns right now yeah
yeah how can you even think about he's they
they ended up getting confiscated like a week later
cause he's like trying to sleep
and he's getting shot in the head with nerf ball ha ha
I find kids I've just got too much stuff as well
too much stuff when I was a kid
my I just had a play tennis ball that's it
that's it you got a tennis ball play with that
you know it wasn't my tennis ball
I think you even found the tennis ball
I know you have any hair on it
you know but um
I thought
you know back in the day mate we were tough kids mate
let's play with marbles
but no no phones
remember going to like
you just go meet up with your friends
and if he's gonna turn up
he's gonna turn up if he's not
you gonna ride the push bike for an hour
and an hour and back yeah and you're lucky yeah
but uh they were mate
they were good days
and I remember talking about mobiles
when I got first got my mobile
it was 1988
I got a mobile phone is that the one in your father
wasn't that no
it was a big it was like it was about 8 19 or 20
I think it was 18 it was a brick one
but this one it was called the Nokia Technophone
and I used to click it on my belt
I bought the case with the big clamp
you know look like big clamp I put on my belt
I didn't wear a belt
but I was so skinny it was pulling my pants down
look how heavy the phone was and um
but I love the phone but I had no one to ring
so the no one else had phones
the only person I ring is my mum
so I'll be like she's like Richard
can you stop ringing me you ring me like 20 times a day
I said well
I didn't even need to pretend to ring someone
no one's ringing me on my stupid phone
and I paid 12 dollars for this phone
the biggest plan and you know
back then I was only earning 120 bucks a week
and I got the most expensive phone on the market
but hey I look cool
you know I thought I did look cool anyway
as long as you look cool that's amazing
I mean um
at least your mom knew that you were thinking about her
I know mom was happy she's very appreciative
I regga even though I lived at home
and I'd rigga 10 times a day ha ha
and back then I was like
a cross between a Prince slash Michael Jackson
that was the look I was going back then
you know yeah mate
it was very different days back in the 80s
late 80s oh
imagine that's a completely different time
oh mate
I remember I used to go out with a friend of mine
his name was Vic
and he was a real Michael Jackson look alike
and he could dance like him
he had the moves he was super cool
and he drove and he drove at LJ Torana you know
roll cage and everything so I was younger
I didn't have my I didn't have licence
but I had a little Honda Civic and I'm like
mate Vic pick me up we're going to Marconi Club
and he picked me up in his LJ Torana and um
we go to the Marconi Club
where they play R&B and hip hop
and all this kind of stuff
and then the girls are just swarmed to him
you know what I mean so I'm like
hey I'm with him as well
it's uh yeah
it was excellent
like bonus who you are
I'm with Michael Jackson over there
you call your mom I'll call my mom
that's it every time I call mom yeah
yeah I'll be back late tonight
so what for the girls so that was like uh
that was like the
the cool sort of hit thing at that farm
no yeah
that was that was the name
there were um
being able to dance and the being so back then
you know what it is
back then guys danced
you know what I mean when we went out
we'd go out out and have a good time in dating groups
we used to go to these different clubs in Sydney
and they're all like mainly R and B hip hop
you know like this isn't Snoop back in the day
his first album NWA
this is when they first started kicking
you know what I mean
so that lot of those albums came out in the late 80s
you know so they were quite prominent in the music
and so we used to hang out with all these guys who
you know DJ Ice DJ
myself and I used to play lot R&B and hip hop
and um I just love that scene
it was it was really cool
we go out you meet girls and what you gonna do is dance
you know you just go on dates
these days what do you do nothing
you go on TikTok
you go on an app and you're like
oh hey
how you going and you got fake ass photos of yourself
and all this crap people see who you are
obviously get a few Bourbon and Cokes
you know but and back there was only $1
$1 each you know
so uh
that was awesome mate
there were really good times actually
those times
uh um
have actually paid the way of who I am now
I reckon
you know they were a really good time
oh I think it's just the confidence
like you see a lot of younger people
and back then you you
you had to be a big communicator
you know in everything you did
you know there's no phones
you know so everything you do
you had to call you had to call someone on the landline
you had to go physically go out there
and talk to them now we're always behind
you know phones behind your keyboards
you know it is it's very
it's a very different thing and even meeting up
I think if you look at a guy and a girl
meeting each other in a in a bar
they're both being fake asses
you know what I mean
for a long time before they're like
oh because they both got sec in you know
insecurity type issues and you know uh
just drama and I
I think back then it was really different guys
we had to get out of our comfort zone
otherwise you're not gonna meet anyone
you know
you had to go and you had to go and talk to someone
you had to tap on the shoulder uh
would you like to dance no
get stuffed damn it alright
you go to the next person yeah
I think I need a character
hey not a character building yeah
then that's it
it needs to work character building and it was
it was awesome it was yeah
good old days of old school cars cool music
you know that's where the sub is made
the subwoofers started at back in the day
you know oh
yeah fully sick yeah
there were awesome days actually
it's funny you know
you talk to a lot of other people in that scene
around my age and everyone's so relatable
you know it's like
oh my God I was there
I used to go to the same bar
the same club you know
it it's pretty cool
and the scene is completely changed the music scene
we talked about live
like my brother and I had a bar in Sydney
and Covid killed it and we end up closing down two
three years ago
and then we had live music every weekend
you know we had open mic nights
we had we did so much crazy stuff
you know and well
it's not as often now is it pardon
but it's not as often now
is it no
no it's not a live music is out
it's like there's nothing
there's nowhere to go for anything these days
you know in back then I found like in the 80s 90s
there was live music there was like
there's like more comedy shows around the place
it's just like bugger all now
you know yeah
hmm expecting that he's staying inside now
there's there's so much uh
there's uh so much stimulation
yeah like that's it
go on it you can get a date from your phone
you can get food from your phone
you can watch any movie in the whole world
did you I even remember going to blockbuster was the
one of the best times of the month
no no
one DVD
that you gotta fucking hold on to
for the next two weeks I know
or the Friday night
or you booked it and you go there to get it
and the person has dropped it back early
bastard I booked it where are you
but you've already seen but you're gonna watch it again
oh yeah yeah
oh my God I'm in a blow off but well
our shop we had it was called Anthony Buds and Co
and it was actually it used to be an old blockbusters
video in the mountains and then we turned into a bar
you know
oh it's cool
so every time everyone say um
so where you guys up uh
we're the old blockbuster you know and they're like
oh I know that place we used to go yeah
it was really cool um
so yeah I did miss the live music that we used to
just that enjoyment of live music
and we did some um some few comedy things
we did some you know like
we had some people come and just sing off the cuff
you know
so come on mate bring your guitar just go crazy
it was awesome you know
can I ask you this is do you think that like
obviously you've seen a lot over the change
socializing between human beings over your time
what do you think the impact of Covid had on that
do you think that just capitalized on
an already perverted society
yeah I think what it does
I think it's Covid has keep kept people more
put people more inward than outward
if you know what I mean so it's
it's taken aways
people's confidence on doing certain things
you know
and it's restricted them in doing certain things and
and I think people have been so busy
businesses have been tarnished
and hurt so much by Covid
that they just have the confidence to do it again
you know for me
it was it was a couple of things
it was Covid was one and I lost my sister um
you know like a few years into the business
at the same time as Covid
and it got to the stage were like
this is like too much for us
you know for my brother and I
so we thought you know
it's not the time for us to um
continue this business look
we end up selling the not the business name
but just the business itself and
and we're happy with that
we're happy just to move on and
and you know what it was a
an experience
I remember that first week we opened and we did
$22,000 that first week oh my god
you know and it was like
oh my god
it was fun what business
it was called Anthony Bars and Cos
like a little bar restaurant bar
oh this is the bar sorry
yeah now it's going yeah
it was really cool like we enjoyed
I really loved meeting people in green
even now I'll go out the servo and someone will come up
oh rich
I remember your shop man I love that bar you know
crazy cocktails and yeah it was really cool
the burgers
some of the burgers were named after my kids
and and even Lola was kind of brought up at that bar
when she was young she'd go there and dance
just dance in front of the band
you know it was really cool
got some awesome videos and we had our own wine label
we had everything we honestly we um
we just really love the process love
and that's why it's really sad
hospitality is probably one of the hardest
industries to be in
but hardest industries to actually run
as a business owner
because you pretty much have to give up your life
to be there all the time you know
it's not something you can have managers run it
cause people get sick and who they're gonna call
they're gonna call you you know
I finish work I go there and then I'll be like
I'm gonna chill Thursday night and they are rich
the delivery driver's not rocking up
we need a handle like shit
and then I have to go rock up there
you know
at least I blinked in as an Uber driver so it's fine
you know
yeah so
going back to what you're talking about was boys
that like you're talking about
you know your
your youth and your socializing and stuff like that
and meeting you are a social person yeah
working both out would be social and and and like
that's paid huge evidence in your work in your life
how do you think like
cause I think that we're heading away from that
but how do you think we head back to that
oh had well
let me go back when I was young
I was actually quite shy right kid as a kid if
you have this age of social media okay
if I was the kid I was back then now growing up now
I'd still be a shy kid at 30 years old
right do you know what I mean
but then there was all tools that weren't you know
given to me
by different things you had to do in life to get to a
B and C
that we all have to go through
that build our confidence
you are so you so when my dad worked all the time
he worked during the week
and then worked on the weekends
you know mum was flat chat
you know there's always like okay
so you had to be pretty much
very resourceful yourself to be able to do things
and so it kinda pushes you to do it
you know so when I was when I was
I think I was only like 16 oldies
I love djing
but I couldn't get my license
so at the time I was like 17
I got my licence I had 2 three people working for me
I was djing every weekend
I was earning more money
djing a one DJ gig
that when I was working on my apprenticeship
during the week you know
I was earning so I was earning 110 bucks
because if you said you're a shy person
then 16 year old rich is doing that
what how did you so did you
what I do I have to force myself to do it
if I need to make money I had to push myself
I was packing death every time I went to DJ
I was like you know
really like stomach was like aching with you know
anxiety before I even went
but I pushed myself to do it
lot of people these days would not do that
no I don't
I wouldn't do it you know
I have to do it oh
also two you you
you don't really have any external things
giving you dopamine at that point
like you not going there
what are you got home by yourself and like what
what would
you wouldn't be able to stuff with your iPhone or TV
Netflix or something no
we weren't doing it we were always out and about
we're going to the movies
we're going to clubs on the weekends
but then I wasn't going to clubs
I was working every weekend
so I was doing my apprenticeship during the week
Friday nights djing Saturday nights djing um
Sundays I'll tinker out with my car because I had to
do it myself as I could afford to
taking a mechanic
cause I'm on first year apprentice wages
and I did it all this rich
that interested in a whole bunch of things yeah
always I I've done you know
oh my God things I've done man
I've done photography at
a fashion photographer for many years
you know about 10
15 years ago I was working one of the biggest agencies
as a side hustle mind you
one of the biggest agencies in Sydney um
photograph taking photos of
of models that were going overseas to Milan
and to Paris and I was
I was doing all their lookbooks prior to that
you know it was really cool and I'd show Rachel
are you taking photos of just girls in swimsuits
all day
and I'll tell you a funny story uh
I don't think I've ever said this on my podcast but
but um three months prior to us getting married
this guy contacted me from Singapore and he had these
these these new like um
what do you call it um
like you know
there's bloody you knows like bandanas like um scarfs
yeah scarf range
and he had these really cool silk scarfs
and he wanted to um
some models to advertise
and he wanted like a photoshoot
and I said listen man
it's coming to Christmas soon
we're pretty busy and he didn't send me anything
do you wanna give me a deposit
and so I just thought you know what
I'll forget about him four weeks before Christmas
he rang me and said look man
I'm really desperate I'm in Sydney now
can you Alec
can you help me with a model in a photoshoot
and I said listen
I'll see what I can do
and then I showed him photos of my fiance at the time
and I said look
I found this model
she's I don't know if she's available
what do you reckon and he's like
oh yeah
she'll be great you know
oh so this is
so I booked her in I
I couldn't fit the shoot in anytime
we booked it in the day
two days after we actually just got married
so two days after we got married
we did this photoshoot
and I had to pretend that my wife was a stranger
and so in that whole photoshoot it was the rocks
just like hey
can you ask yeah
so what's your name again
yeah thank you
yeah thank you
yeah um
thanks very much uh
you know shake hands and we left
you know ha ha
good job you guys just have some random chat like oh
so what are you what did you get up to on the weekend
yeah yeah
but not much ha ha ha
it's so funny
and the makeup artist was a friend of mine
and she did the makeup for the wedding as well
so she was there helping me
and she's helped me in a lot of shoots
but it was so funny like
it was so funny that she had to pretend to not know me
I had to pretend you know
I had to be really professional
and every time he was not looking
he wasn't looking like giggling
like little school girls you know
it was really funny it was really yeah
it was really cool and I
I think and uh
for me this thing I
I've done these different things
from djing in the Greek islands
to bloody you know
taking photos as a models to
you know done all different things
and uh
and I think that's the thing
you can do anything you like
anything you want in life
and even that training business we run
one of our motto is we can transform your life
literally to a course you can change your life
you know people look at courses to learn and educate
mate look at courses to do something different
you know I mean
like you look at you you did a course
and you change your life for the better
there's something completely different
and that course
only change your life in such a different way
you change your whole lifestyle
the way you live you know what I mean
isn't it the way you work
the way you can put more energy and time
into building yourself to be a better Nathan
from that job cause the other job
you just knackered and tired and you just
you know what I mean
you you didn't have that time of flexibility to uh
to to pass the time until
for the next time I had to be at work yeah
that's it and that that time did it
like now the time you have
you get to think about choice
but before you didn't get to think about choice
you just got to think about getting into your next day
and doing your next next day's work till
till the weekend came
it was very different see
now it's all about choice
always tell people if you don't like your job
go back home and get another job seriously
yeah yeah
we live in a country where that's possible too yeah
if you don't like where you live jump in it
sell your house go move somewhere else
go rent somewhere where you really wanna rent live
enjoy your life like it is
you know when we born we're born when we die
we die that that's it this time between right now
every day is another day that's gone
like this day when it when it gets dark
it's another day we've lost in our life
alright man should we rock and roll yeah
let's do it man thank you so much for having me on
that was awesome thanks for coming on my friend
and we should do like a like a you know
another a 2.0 version another day
yeah yeah
for sure yeah
I'm always interested please stop having a chat
yeah it'll be good to see how
you know how the
the stand UPS evolving as well
and to see what the next step is
if you gonna have your own venue doing it
I think it's a good idea
I think
I wanna create I wanna create a
a best Facebook comedy I don't
I don't think that we have that here
yeah and then getting the audience
the right audience trying to market
get the right audience to come
you know I think we can cultivate the right audiences
as soon as they walk through the door
that's one thing I've noticed
is that none of the room
have a conversation with the audience beforehand
yeah about helping
about playing on your phone
about talking amongst one another
about what's even happening
they don't actually know what they're turning up to
yeah yeah
that's good man it's exciting
fun times
yeah I've actually got a show tonight
have you hey excellent
where is it at
well it's paradise
oh do you tell it
yeah cool
well give me some links and I'll share the love with uh
wacky viewers uh
there's like wacky viewers
like viewer looking like one freak on the couch
watching us right now when we put a live
well awesome
thanks Dave I appreciate it man
appreciate your time and um
you be safe and I will yeah
we'll chew the fat soon alright
thank you so much thanks for having me
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